Monday, August 31, 2015

I am a nerd at heart

So I am very much aware to the fact that I am huge nerd. I was the kid who did her homework as soon as I got home.  And I read. All. The. Time. I tried to hide my nerdyness but it never worked. Even as an adult I still love curling up with a book, watching Harry Potter marathons and playing Settlers of Catan. One of my fellow Cataners got the plesure of these awesome cupcakes. Now if you don't know the joys of Settlers of Catan this is the game board.   Blue frosting for the water border, easy so far. Chocolate Rock candy for Ore. Honey Comb cereal for wheat. Licorice for brick. Pretzels for wood.  Marshmallow sheep. And Graham cracker crumb desert. Not going to lie we were pretty impressed with ourselves on this one.

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