Friday, September 18, 2015


My little ninja girl is in love with the Avengers, and so are her friends.   One of her friends decided he wanted an Avengers birthday.  This one was a lot of fun for me.  I thought for sure ninja child would proclaim her next birthday will certainly be Avengers.

I decided to make 1 batch chocolate and 1 batch vanilla,  way too much but  they were a hit. Chocolate went in red liners for Ironman and Captain America. Vanilla went in green for Hulk and yellow for Thor. So far so good. Easy right?

Thor's were the easiest, marshmallow on a pretzel stick with some silver color spray. Done!

Ironman was pretty easy. I used my color sprayer with some red and orange. Once it was dry I added a mini marshmallow with the same silver spray.

Captain America used some red fondant cut in a circle to place on top, next a blue fondant circle on that. I used white frosting in a decorating bag with the fine tip to do a star and circle to complete the sheild.

Hulk by far took the most time. Using candy clay (I like it more than fondant) I sculpted little Hulk hands and stuck them in the piped frosting. Much pinterest research went into making those hands. I like the way they turned out. And they certainly got better looking as I made more.

3 more months until the ninja girls birthday, I wonder if these will make a repete apperance in my kitchen?

Monday, August 31, 2015

I am a nerd at heart

So I am very much aware to the fact that I am huge nerd. I was the kid who did her homework as soon as I got home.  And I read. All. The. Time. I tried to hide my nerdyness but it never worked. Even as an adult I still love curling up with a book, watching Harry Potter marathons and playing Settlers of Catan. One of my fellow Cataners got the plesure of these awesome cupcakes. Now if you don't know the joys of Settlers of Catan this is the game board.   Blue frosting for the water border, easy so far. Chocolate Rock candy for Ore. Honey Comb cereal for wheat. Licorice for brick. Pretzels for wood.  Marshmallow sheep. And Graham cracker crumb desert. Not going to lie we were pretty impressed with ourselves on this one.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Monster Baby Shower

I know I haven't posted anything in a long time but trust me I am still making cupcakes. My life has changed a lot in the past year and I'm trying to find my groove.  I left my job teaching kindergarten to be a stay at home mom and started watching some of my friend's kids.  It can be really crazy in my house most days.  But I'm going to try post pictures of my latest creations. 

Last summer my best friends threw a wonderful baby shower for me with a monster theme.  My dad made this wonderful monster watermelon fruit salad.  He was pretty impressed with himself. 

Instead of cupcakes, (our usual go-to) they made these incredible monster cake pops.  

Friday, June 22, 2012


I helped a friend make cupcakes for her brother's rehearsal dinner and we had a lot of fun with it.  We made chocolate, funfetti, lemon and yellow cupcakes.  The yellow cake mix were topped with chocolate frosting, a mini marshmallow and some graham cracker crumbs. The funfetti were given a  white chocolate raspberry frosting and topped with a fresh raspberry. ( My personal favorite) The chocolate were frosted with a mint chocolate frosting and topped with an Andes mint.  And the lemon were given a lemon, raspberry swirl frosting and topped with the raspberries and a lemon jelly belly.  We also made orange cream but forgot to take a picture.  They were the hit of the dinner and we had none left over to bring home.  I guess we will just have to make more :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's day river

Father's day/ Dad's birthday river cupcakes.  My dad loves to fish so I thought a river would be a fun cupcake theme for him.  When I saw the gummy shark I had to add it.  Found chocolate rocks and gummy frogs, along with sweddish fish.  Fun and easy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kentucky Derby Horses

These were last years Kentucky Derby Horses!  Turns out I do not like Circus Peanuts, but they are easy to work with.